Thanks for your consideration of Northeast Fellowship.
Here are project and giving opportunities:
The Ministry Center for our Fellowship was donated in 2011. In addition to providing a residence for the director and his wife, it is the primary site for church leadership training events, Network Leadership Team meetings, Northeast School of Theology and Ministry (NSTM) classes, and guest housing for speakers.
In the following video LD Maxson, Chairman of the Network Leadership Team, describes the need for roof replacement and the paving of the parking lot/driveway. Please join us in praying for God’s supply of this significant need.
Watch here: Ministry Center “Top to Bottom” Project
We believe that God has given us the greatest CAUSE in the world: CHRIST’S CHURCH, His Body (Ephesians 5:25). 
While society may view the local church as “non-essential”, we only see great opportunities ahead to encourage and strengthen the effectiveness of today’s church and its leaders. To carry out our mission, the NFIBC relies on the generous offerings of individuals and churches who support it with their faithful prayers and financial support.
Become a 1% donor: A gift of $1,272 equates to a full 1% of the NFIBC’s annual budget. When broken down into 12 monthly donations, it equals $127 per month or 1% of the annual budget. Recurring donations can be set up easily through our Square online credit card processing link or mailed in with this form.
Both cash and non-cash gifts are always welcome, and are helpful for daily operations and events, regardless of the amount. These can be given in the following ways:
- Donations by credit card: or SquareUp
- Donations by check: Northeast Fellowship, 2293 Grand Central Ave, Horseheads, NY 14845
- Gift cards (Staples, Walmart, Sams Club, Aldi, Lowes)
- Skilled services (auto care, plumbing, electrical repair, landscaping, tree trimming)
- Overstock merchandise (paper goods, office supplies, beverages, snack food)
- Recycled Sta
ples Ink Cartridges: Every ink cartridge you donate will earn a $2.00 store credit for Northeast Fellowship.
We are truly grateful for your partnership and pray that God will bless you in unmistakeable ways.