Get Ready for “Game Changer”!

This week or next, register for Men’s Adventure at



We’re praying and planning for this event to be a Game Changer for you this year.  Main Speaker Will Payne addresses our theme.  Paul Golden has a very special Men’s Adventure edition of his podcast Post Game for us.  And Paul Sand has an entire track of workshops for young men, called Pre Game.  Enjoy his preview: 

Missionary Update: Chad & Rachel Strong to Nicaragua (3/18/2018) - West Windsor Baptist Church

This event has proven a Game Changer before.  Chad Strong had his prayer life changed at this event – and then had his whole life change as it led him and his family to serving the Lord as missionaries in Nicaragua.  Enjoy his testimony:


HAPPY 2022!

Predictions 2022: Covid-19 And Public Health

Nothing like a new year!  We tear the cover off something brand new, and begin fresh.

Have you made big plans for 2022?

Do you have high hopes for the new year?  Or do you face fears of the near future?  

The new year offers opportunity and heralds hope in minor doses.  But a firmly fixed trust in the Lord makes a major difference in any day.  Psalm 118:8 – “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man”  (or in a new year or in circumstances).   May you find great blessing in Him in 2022!



The NORTHEAST FELLOWSHIP  is a network of over 180 churches.

It aims to advance the cause of Christ through happy and healthy local churches.

Our directors serve pastors and churches via preaching, counseling, consulting, annual events, and more.

May the Lord encourage you through your visit to this site – and hopefully to one of our live events.  Hope to see you on the road – or maybe in your home church!